Family Resource Center
Vine Grove Elementary School FRC
Mrs. Theresa Ovesen – Family Resource Center Coordinator
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Mrs. Bethany Vaughan – Outreach Worker
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The Family Resource Center Staff is committed to helping all students succeed by providing support
to students and their families. The primary goal is to eliminate barriers to learning. The FRC promotes
a positive relationship between family, school, and community. The FRC has an advisory council that
consists of staff, parents, and community members. This council has the important role of helping
develop, implement, and enhance programs offered by the FRC. Please contact us for more
information on family resources/activities/services and ways the FRC can help your family.
Phone (270) 877-6434
Hours 8:00 to 3:00 or by appointment
FRYSC Mission Statement:
To enhance students’ abilities to succeed in school by developing and
sustaining partnerships that promote: Early learning and successful transition into school;
Academic achievement and well-being; Graduation and transition into adult life.
Services to include but not limited to:
Mental Health School-Based Counseling Referrals
Small Groups
Health and Social Services Referrals
Crisis Intervention Services
Mentoring Programs
Cradle School Classes for Parent and Child (Ages birth – 5)
Referrals to Childcare/After-School Care
Referrals for New and Expectant Parents (First Connections)
Military Child Support
Attendance Assistance
Transition Assistance
Clothing/Hygiene Items/School Supplies
Food Assistance
Family Stability Program Resources
Referral and Limited Emergency Assistance – Utilities, Rent
Vision Assistance
In-School Dental Program
GED Information/Referral
Holiday Assistance
Hardin County Christmas Assistance Sign-Ups
Cradle School Information